Tuesday, August 11, 2015

To All the Ladies in the Church

Dear Older Ladies in the Church,

           Who am I? I am a young woman. Not yet a wife, and not yet a mother. I have questions. I have fears. I have doubts. And I? I am just like all of the other young ladies around me. We talk to each other to try to answer each others' questions, but in reality, we are just fools sharing our ignorance.

        I long to sit under you and learn from your past. You've been there. I haven't. I long to come to you and ask you how to be a godly wife and mother, but I don't know if you will have time to instruct me or would even be willing to. I know that you teach a Sunday school class, but I don't really feel comfortable asking my questions there. What I need is you on a one-on-one basis. I need a mentor. I need someone who will teach me how to be a godly woman.

Titus 2:3-5 says:

"The aged women ... That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,  to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

        The Bible tells you to mentor us. To partner one-on-one with us younger ladies in the church and guide us in living a godly life. I sincerely desire to know how to be a godly wife. You might think that this is my mother's job to teach me and not yours. With all due respect, this is where you are wrong. Many of us, including me, did not have mothers who lived a godly life. They were not godly wives or mothers. We can't learn from their example, and we can't expect them to instruct us in these manners.  I could look all over the internet for ways to become the best wife, but usually these articles are focused on self-satisfaction. I need someone who has learned the hard way to live a godly lifestyle to show me how to be that wife. To instruct me when she sees something wrong in my life that needs to be changed. To be honest? I need help. I need the accountability and wisdom that a relationship with you would bring.

        You don't know how much I have longed for your counsel. Please don't think that you are overstepping your bounds or that your advice will be unwelcome. I desire the day that I can sit down with you in earnest conversation and learn from you. God has placed you in my life for a purpose. Will you help me?

In Christ,
